HWB Standard

HWB Standard

MQTT topic and payload specifications for hardware devices and sales clients.

API Specifications NFC Flow diagram

Specification: APDU Receive

Recieve result from commands passed through transmit topic. Will contain list of results corresponding to the results transmitted, with the same specified commandIds.

transceiveId can be used to link transmit and receive events. eventTimestamp is the time the first command result is generated.

Hex and expected status

All result frames should be represneted as hex, starting with 0x. See examples. If result of executing command does not match expected status prefix passed in the transmit event, result should be ommited.

0xAF and continuation

Continuation on 0xAF is handled implicitly if expStatus as passed in by transmit is set as 0x00. See description below.

desfire (native)

See related transmit topic: validators/nfc/apdu/[deviceId]/transmit.


  "traceId": "543070fe-ef32-11ed-a05b-0242ac120003",
  "deviceId": "flv202400004",
  "eventTimestamp": "2023-04-22T10:28:37.337Z",
  "transceiveId": "c28f206d-8016-4d22-b21b-70d8d6d2fea4",
  "apduType": "desfire",
  "result": [
    { "commandId": 1, "frame": "0x00" },
    { "commandId": 2, "frame": "0x0090800002000280" },
    { "commandId": 3, "frame": "0x00" },
    { "commandId": 4, "frame": "" }

Additional information

Link to APDU-documentation.