HWB Standard

HWB Standard

MQTT topic and payload specifications for hardware devices and sales clients.

API Specifications NFC Flow diagram

Specification: Location

Provides periodic GPS location data specified in decimal format by latitude and longitude. Should be send once every second. No need for a MQTT QoS guarantee as package loss is acceptable.


Provided periodic location data.


  "traceId": "48b12d1f-6b96-4f70-94f9-f785cef96812",
  "eventTimestamp": "2023-09-01T23:45:52Z",
  "latitudeDegree": 62.734393,
  "longitudeDegree": 7.150033,
  "altitude": 124,
  "messageNumber": 12345,
  "speedOverGround": 15.3,
  "trackDegreeTrue": 324,
  "signalQuality": 1,
  "numberOfSatellites": 12,
  "hdop": 2.4


Specification based on and should be compatible with Ruter specification. As such it it is licensed under Apache License 2.0 and originally created by Ruter AS.